Types of Food We Eat


  • Working Principle: Digestion and metabolism
  • Product Material: Plastic and paper
  • Dimensions: width-14.5 cm & height-13 cm
  • Age: 11 years
  • Class/Grade: 6th
  • Category: Biology
  • Resource: Common


We need food to survive and live a healthy life. Not necessarily all food items have the same food value. Unless we know the types of food items, we will not be able to develop healthy eating habits. The aim of this experiment is to identify food items from plants and animals, classify the food items into different categories.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Provides awareness about the basic constituents of food items and their food value
  2. Provides awareness about the types of food items our body requires for healthy growth.
  3. Provides awareness about the foods we should not have in excess
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