

  • Working Principle: Liquid chromatography
  • Product Material: Plastic and paper
  • Dimensions: DIY assembling kit
  • Age: 11 years
  • Class/Grade: 6th
  • Category: Chemistry
  • Resource: Teacher


Mixtures of liquids can be separated according to their properties. Which technique to be used depends on a number of factors like miscibility or immiscibility of liquids. We use fractional distillation to separate the liquids based on their boiling points. Production of petroleum, diesel, tar are examples of fractional distillation. Initially, all these are part of crude oil.
The aim of this experiment is to demonstrate this concept.

Learning Outcomes

  1. A fun chemistry experiment for students where they learn about chromatography
  2. They learn about various separation techniques for liquids
  3. Correlation between theory and practical becomes easier
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