Experiential learning brings out the joy of learning

The objective of education is to build traits like critical thinking, problem-solving, experimentation and decision. However, in the traditional learning process, the goal is to secure the financial future of the students, by getting them admitted to IITs, IIMs and the top-notch colleges. To achieve this goal, educators impart learning in the classroom within a definite time frame on the prescribed curriculum, which means the students have to cram the answers to secure better grades. Through, this education system, millions of students have been able to secure their financial future. However, the question is what did they learn from this education?

One of the most brilliant minds of the century, Einstein said, “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” 

That means education is not linked to the curriculum. Trust us,  if you ask anyone around you to enlist their best learning experiences they will not remember what they have been taught in their 1st semester Maths class, but they will remember learning which has happened out of the classroom, something that they have learned, possibly during  hackathon or robotics or debate or some experiment that they have done during their schooling days. 

Obviously, learning acquired through experience – project-based learning becomes a part of our long term memory. 

How to make learning an enjoyable experience for students 

In the traditional “chalk and talk” method of teaching that’s persisted for hundreds of years, learning has taken a backseat. Though the students earned financial freedom, they missed out on the joy of knowledge. 

To fill this lacuna, as an educator you need to provide a learning experience to your students which should last a long time after they have completed their education and moved on with life, which means education should not be a recital or repetitive process for the students, rather it should be centred around experience. 

Experiential learning provides the opportunity to reflect and think either alone or with a group.  Experience and learning are almost inseparable, it is a process of active engagement between the inner world of the persons to their outer world.

As we gain meaningful experience through educational games and educational toys, we learn the concepts and fundamentals which stay with us forever.  As kids, we are taught the alphabet and later taking that experience further,  we are able to construct words and do many many things in life. 

There have been multiple studies done on the way learning happens and in nutshell following are key tenets of learning.


      • Learning is personal 

      • Learning is perception

      • Learning is painful

      • Learning from mistakes

    The experiential learning model for school is a framework which strengthens the physical linkage among education and personal development. It builds competency which makes a person competitive enough in a job market. Even after joining the workforce, experiential learning doesn’t end. Formal education and personal development allow the individuals to realize their full potential as citizens, family members and human being.

    At Youdo, we’re enthusiastic about the future of learning. We believe in sharing innovative ways to improve the teaching of students and leading schools and districts in order to inspire anyone seeking to better their work.