What Are Common Acid And Bases


  • Working Principle: Characteristics of Acids and Bases
  • Product Material: Plastic and paper
  • Dimensions: DIY assembling kit
  • Age: 15 years
  • Class/Grade: 10th
  • Category: Chemistry
  • Resource: Student


You must be familiar with sour taste and bitter tastes. They are due to acids and bases. Some naturally occurring acids are: vinegar which is acetic acids, citric acid (it is present in lemons and oranges) and tartaric acid (in tamarind). Some commonly used bases are soda and tooth paste. The aim of this experiment is to study how to identify acids and bases.

Learning Outcomes

  1. A great manipulative for familiarizing children the about Acid and Bases.
  2. Gives them an understanding and meaning of neutralisation.
  3. Correlation between theory and practical becomes easier
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