Electric Motor Kit


  • Working Principle: Fleming’s left hand rule
  • Product Material: Plastic, metal and rubber
  • Dimensions: (12.5 x 7.1 x 8) cm
  • Age: 15 years
  • Class/Grade: 10th
  • Category: Physics
  • Resource: Teacher


An electric motor is a machine that transforms the electrical energy into mechanical energy, basing its principle of operation on the electromagnetic interactions of magnetic fields generated by the coils and magnets, housed in the structure.
This simple DIY kit explains the principle of working of an electric motor.

Learning Outcomes

  1. A child can see how a DC motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy and Its working principle based on the interaction between a static magnetic field and the magnetic field created by a moving current carrying conductor.
  2. Children can verify the Flemings Leſt Hand Rule while conducting this experiment.
  3. Correlation between theory and practical becomes easier
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