Acid Bases and Their Properties


  • Working Principle: Characteristics of Acids and Bases
  • Product Material: A set of chemicals and plastic
  • Dimensions: DIY assembling kit
  • Age: 16 years
  • Class/Grade: 11th
  • Category: Chemistry
  • Resource: Student


We have come across acids and bases many times. Some questions would have crossed your minds e.g. How do we determine whether a given chemical is an acid or a base? How do the acid-base indicators behave when they come in contact with acids or bases? What do we mean by a neutralisation reaction?
The aim of this experiment is to find out answers to these questions.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Student understand the concept that how do the acid-base indicators behave when they come in contact with acids or bases?
  2. This chemistry experiment give them an understanding and meaning of neutralisation.
  3. Correlation between theory and practical becomes easier
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